DCML Guidelines
Other pages
Becoming a DCML annotator
Working as an annotator
How to get involved
DCML annotation workflow
Short summary
Upgrading annotations
Reviewing a set of annotations
Reacting to a review & reaching expert consensus
What to do about the warnings?
Work package management with OpenProject
User Interface
Work Packages (WPs)
Taking on an assignment
Logging unit costs
Writing invoices
Annotation Tutorial
Getting started
The first label
The first phrase
Level of detail
Changing the local key
Contrapuntal patterns
Some more features
Quick Git Reference
Installing Git
Configuring Git
Cloning a Repository from GitHub
Selecting the right Branch
Applying Changes to the Repository
Uploading Changes to GitHub
Applying Changes to the Origin Directly
Creating a GitHub account
GitHub Desktop
Installing GitHub Desktop
First start
Cloning a repository
The user interface
Typical Mistakes
DCML Corpus Creation Pipeline
Collect and prepare the digital edition in the latest MuseScore format
Creating a repository with unannotated MuseScore files
Configuring and adding the new repo
Curating and enriching metadata
Finalizing a repository for publication
DCML Score Conventions
Dividing a Score into separate files
Glossary, Terminology
Score Elements
Early Music
Corrections to automate
Annotation Reference
The syntax
The remainder of the Reference is currently under reconstruction
Questions & Examples
Modulation and Secondary Keys
Phrase Structure
Figured Bass
Technical Specifications
What is being encoded?
The regEx (Regular Expression)
Feature Processing
Missing Features
This Page