
This notebook gives a general overview of the features included in the dataset.

Hide imports
import os
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from fractions import Fraction

from git import Repo
import dimcat as dc
import ms3
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from utils import CADENCE_COLORS, CORPUS_COLOR_SCALE, STD_LAYOUT, TYPE_COLORS, color_background, corpus_mean_composition_years, value_count_df, get_corpus_display_name, get_repo_name, print_heading, resolve_dir
Hide source
CORPUS_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..'))
ANNOTATED_ONLY = os.getenv("ANNOTATED_ONLY", "True").lower() in ('true', '1', 't')
print_heading("Notebook settings")
Notebook settings

CORPUS_PATH: '/home/runner/work/workflow_deployment/debussy_suite_bergamasque'
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repo = Repo(CORPUS_PATH)
print_heading("Data and software versions")
print(f"Data repo '{get_repo_name(repo)}' @ {repo.commit().hexsha[:7]}")
print(f"dimcat version {dc.__version__}")
print(f"ms3 version {ms3.__version__}")
Data and software versions

Data repo 'debussy_suite_bergamasque' @ fe1aa26
dimcat version 0.3.0
ms3 version 2.5.2
dataset = dc.Dataset()
dataset.load(directory=CORPUS_PATH, parse_tsv=False)
All corpora
View: This view is called 'default'. It 
	- excludes pieces that are not contained in the metadata,
	- filters out file extensions requiring conversion (such as .xml), and
	- excludes review files and folders.

                               has   active   scores measures           notes        expanded          chords       
                          metadata     view detected detected parsed detected parsed detected parsed detected parsed
debussy_suite_bergamasque      yes  default        4        4      4        4      4        4      4        4      4

28/92 files are excluded from this view.

28 files have been excluded based on their subdir.
N = 4 annotated pieces, 16 parsed dataframes.
Hide data loading
all_metadata = dataset.data.metadata()
assert len(all_metadata) > 0, "No pieces selected for analysis."
print(f"Metadata covers {len(all_metadata)} of the {dataset.data.count_pieces()} scores.")
all_notes = dataset.get_facet('notes')
all_measures = dataset.get_facet('measures')
mean_composition_years = corpus_mean_composition_years(all_metadata)
chronological_order = mean_composition_years.index.to_list()
corpus_colors = dict(zip(chronological_order, CORPUS_COLOR_SCALE))
corpus_names = {corp: get_corpus_display_name(corp) for corp in chronological_order}
chronological_corpus_names = list(corpus_names.values())
corpus_name_colors = {corpus_names[corp]: color for corp, color in corpus_colors.items()}
Metadata covers 4 of the 4 scores.

Composition dates#

This section relies on the dataset’s metadata.

valid_composed_start = pd.to_numeric(all_metadata.composed_start, errors='coerce')
valid_composed_end = pd.to_numeric(all_metadata.composed_end, errors='coerce')
print(f"Composition dates range from {int(valid_composed_start.min())} {valid_composed_start.idxmin()} "
      f"to {int(valid_composed_end.max())} {valid_composed_end.idxmax()}.")
Composition dates range from 1890 ('debussy_suite_bergamasque', 'l075-01_suite_prelude') to 1905 ('debussy_suite_bergamasque', 'l075-01_suite_prelude').

Mean composition years per corpus#

Hide source
summary = all_metadata.copy()
summary.length_qb = all_measures.groupby(level=[0,1]).act_dur.sum() * 4.0
summary = pd.concat([summary,
                    ], axis=1)
bar_data = pd.concat([mean_composition_years.rename('year'), 
fig = px.bar(bar_data, x='year', y='pieces', color='corpus',

Composition years histogram#

Hide source
hist_data = summary.reset_index()
hist_data.corpus = hist_data.corpus.map(corpus_names)
fig = px.histogram(hist_data, x='composed_end', color='corpus',



Hide source
corpus_metadata = summary.groupby(level=0)
n_pieces = corpus_metadata.size().rename('pieces')
absolute_numbers = dict(
    measures = corpus_metadata.last_mn.sum(),
    length = corpus_metadata.length_qb.sum(),
    notes = corpus_metadata.notes.sum(),
    labels = corpus_metadata.label_count.sum(),
absolute = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(absolute_numbers)
absolute = pd.concat([n_pieces, absolute], axis=1)
sum_row = pd.DataFrame(absolute.sum(), columns=['sum']).T
absolute = pd.concat([absolute, sum_row])
relative = absolute.div(n_pieces, axis=0)
complete_summary = pd.concat([absolute, relative, absolute.iloc[:1,2:].div(absolute.measures, axis=0)], axis=1, keys=['absolute', 'per piece', 'per measure'])
complete_summary = complete_summary.apply(pd.to_numeric).round(2)
complete_summary.index = complete_summary.index.map(dict(corpus_names, sum='sum'))
absolute per piece per measure
pieces measures length notes labels pieces measures length notes labels length notes labels
Debussy Suite Bergamasque 4 421 1616.0 8210 1013 1.0 105.25 404.0 2052.5 253.25 3.84 19.5 2.41
sum 4 421 1616.0 8210 1013 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN


print(f"{len(all_measures.index)} measures over {len(all_measures.groupby(level=[0,1]))} files.")
421 measures over 4 files.
mc mn quarterbeats duration_qb keysig timesig act_dur mc_offset numbering_offset dont_count barline breaks repeats next
corpus fname interval
debussy_suite_bergamasque l075-01_suite_prelude [0.0, 4.0) 1 1 0 4.0 -1 4/4 1 0 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> firstMeasure (2,)
[4.0, 8.0) 2 2 4 4.0 -1 4/4 1 0 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> (3,)
[8.0, 12.0) 3 3 8 4.0 -1 4/4 1 0 <NA> <NA> <NA> line <NA> (4,)
[12.0, 16.0) 4 4 12 4.0 -1 4/4 1 0 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> (5,)
[16.0, 20.0) 5 5 16 4.0 -1 4/4 1 0 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> (6,)
print("Distribution of time signatures per XML measure (MC):")
Distribution of time signatures per XML measure (MC):
4/4    245
3/4    104
9/8     72
Name: timesig, dtype: int64

Harmony labels#

All symbols, independent of the local key (the mode of which changes their semantics).

    all_annotations = dataset.get_facet('expanded')
except Exception:
    all_annotations = pd.DataFrame()
n_annotations = len(all_annotations.index)
includes_annotations = n_annotations > 0
if includes_annotations:
    print(f"Concatenated annotation tables contains {all_annotations.shape[0]} rows.")
    no_chord = all_annotations.root.isna()
    if no_chord.sum() > 0:
        print(f"{no_chord.sum()} of them are not chords. Their values are: {all_annotations.label[no_chord].value_counts(dropna=False).to_dict()}")
    all_chords = all_annotations[~no_chord].copy()
    print(f"Dataset contains {all_chords.shape[0]} tokens and {len(all_chords.chord.unique())} types over {len(all_chords.groupby(level=[0,1]))} documents.")
    all_annotations['corpus_name'] = all_annotations.index.get_level_values(0).map(get_corpus_display_name)
    all_chords['corpus_name'] = all_chords.index.get_level_values(0).map(get_corpus_display_name)
    print(f"Dataset contains no annotations.")
mc mn quarterbeats quarterbeats_all_endings duration_qb mc_onset mn_onset timesig staff voice ... phraseend chord_type globalkey_is_minor localkey_is_minor chord_tones added_tones root bass_note alt_label special
corpus fname interval
debussy_suite_bergamasque l075-01_suite_prelude [0.0, 2.0) 1 1 0 0 2.0 0 0 4/4 2 1 ... { M False False (0, 4, 1) () 0 0 <NA> <NA>
[2.0, 8.0) 1 1 2 2 6.0 1/2 1/2 4/4 2 1 ... <NA> Mm7 False False (1, 5, 2, -1) (3,) 1 1 <NA> <NA>
[8.0, 10.0) 3 3 8 8 2.0 0 0 4/4 2 1 ... <NA> M False False (0, 4, 1) (2,) 0 0 <NA> <NA>
[10.0, 12.0) 3 3 10 10 2.0 1/2 1/2 4/4 2 1 ... <NA> M False False (-1, 3, 0) (2,) -1 -1 <NA> <NA>
[12.0, 14.0) 4 4 12 12 2.0 0 0 4/4 2 1 ... <NA> mm7 False False (1, 5, 2, 4) () 4 1 <NA> <NA>

5 rows × 31 columns

Concatenated annotation tables contains 1013 rows.
Dataset contains 1013 tokens and 291 types over 4 documents.