- class pitchtypes.basetypes.Pitch
The basic interface that is implemented by every pitch (and pitch class) type.
- __init__()
()For a pitch class, returns the corresponding pitch in a (type-dependent) default octave.
(other)Computes the interval from another pitch to this pitch.
(other)Computes the interval from this pitch to another pitch.
()Return the MIDI number corresponding to the pitch.
(s)Parse a string as a spelled pitch or spelled pitch class.
()Returns the pitch class corresponding to the pitch.
Return the number of chromatic semitones corresponding to the pitch.
()Return the number of diatonic steps corresponding to the pitch.
()Alias for pc(), but also supported by interval types.
- __add__(other)
Returns the pitch transposed by an interval
- Parameters:
other – an interval of matching type
- Returns:
the pitch transposed by
- __eq__(other)
Return self==value.
- __hash__ = None
- __sub__(other)
When subtracting another pitch (p1 - p2), return the interval from p2 to p1. When subtracting an interval (p - i), transpose the pitch by the inverse interval (p + -i).
- Parameters:
other – pitch or interval
- Returns:
is an interval, the transposed pitch; ifother
is a pitch, the interval between both pitches
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- abstract embed()
For a pitch class, returns the corresponding pitch in a (type-dependent) default octave. For non-class pitches, returns the pitch itself.
- Returns:
a non-class version of this pitch
- abstract interval_from(other)
Computes the interval from another pitch to this pitch.
- Parameters:
other – another pitch
- Returns:
the interval from other to self
- interval_to(other)
Computes the interval from this pitch to another pitch.
- Parameters:
other – another pitch
- Returns:
the interval from self to other
- abstract midi()
Return the MIDI number corresponding to the pitch.
- abstract pc()
Returns the pitch class corresponding to the pitch. For pitch classes, it returns the pitch class itself.
- Returns:
the pitch class that corresponds to this pitch
- abstract semitones()
Return the number of chromatic semitones corresponding to the pitch.
- abstract steps()
Return the number of diatonic steps corresponding to the pitch.
- to_class()
Alias for pc(), but also supported by interval types.
- Returns:
the pitch class that corresponds to this pitch