Spelled Interval and Pitch Arrays
With large datasets, it is often necessary or convenient to represent and process them
in vectorized form, for example in numpy
Putting spelled pitches or intervals directly in a numpy
does not have any performance benefits
since numpy has no support for the operations between these types.
However, the underlying representation of pitches is numeric and most operations on them
directly translate to arithmetics on the underlying numbers.
This module provides vectorized types for spelled interval and pitch arrays.
They correspond to the types in the pitchtypes.spelled module
and generally share the same interface.
Internally, spelled array types use numpy
arrays to encode their data
and implement all of their arithmetic operations in vectorized form.
The main exception to native vectorization is printing and parsing,
which means that those should be handled with care on large datasets.
Array Creation
From Numeric Arrays
The most direct way to construct a spelled array is by providing its underlying arrays of fifths and (dependent) octaves as a numpy array or something that supports the same interface such as a pandas series.
>>> from pitchtypes import *
>>> import numpy as np
>>> SpelledIntervalClassArray(np.array([1,2,3]))
asic(['P5', 'M2', 'M6'])
>>> SpelledPitchClassArray(np.arange(3))
aspc(['C', 'G', 'D'])
>>> SpelledIntervalArray(np.arange(1,4), np.array([0,-1,-1]))
asi(['P5:0', 'M2:0', 'M6:0'])
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'fifths': [1,2,3], 'octaves':[4,3,3]})
>>> SpelledPitchArray(df.fifths, df.octaves)
asp(['G4', 'D4', 'A4'])
If the data is given using independent octaves
(e.g., derived from the name and octave of a pitch),
intervals and pitches can also be constructed from those using
the class method from_independent(fifths, octaves)
This is usually more natural for pitches than for intervals
>>> SpelledPitchArray.from_independent(np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([4,4,4]))
asp(['G4', 'D4', 'A4'])
>>> SpelledIntervalArray.from_independent(np.array([-2,-1,0,1,2]), np.array([0,0,0,0,0]))
asi(['m7:0', 'P4:0', 'P1:0', 'P5:0', 'M2:0'])
From String Arrays
Spelled arrays can also be created from arrays of strings using the from_strings(strings)
class method.
Note that the parsing is done entirely in Python and thus can be slow on large datasets.
>>> SpelledIntervalArray.from_strings(["M2:0", "-P4:1"])
asi(['M2:0', '-P4:1'])
>>> SpelledPitchClassArray.from_strings([["Db", "D", "D#"], ["Eb", "E", "E#"]])
aspc([['Db', 'D', 'D#'],
['Eb', 'E', 'E#']])
From Arrays of Pitches / Intervals
Arrays (or lists) containing pitches or intervals can be converted to the corresponding spelled arrays
using the from_array
class method:
>>> intervals = np.array([SpelledInterval("P1:0"), SpelledInterval("P1:1")])
>>> intervals
array([P1:0, P1:1], dtype=object)
>>> SpelledIntervalArray.from_array(intervals)
asi(['P1:0', 'P1:1'])
>>> SpelledPitchArray.from_array([SpelledPitch("C4"), SpelledPitch("C5")])
asp(['C4', 'C5'])
When writing code that uses spelled array types, you should generally use one of the above methods for creating spelled arrays, as they make the intention of the code clear. However, for quickly testing or trying something in an interactive way, there are shortcut functions that accept arrays or nested lists of strings, scalar spelled types, and numeric fifths/octaves values.
>>> asi(["aaa1:1"])
>>> asi([SpelledInterval("aaa1:1")])
>>> asi([21], [-11])
>>> asic([SpelledIntervalClass("aaa1")])
>>> asic(["aaa1"])
>>> asic([21])
>>> asp(["A##4", "C5"])
asp(['A##4', 'C5'])
>>> asp([SpelledPitch("A##4"), SpelledPitch("C5")])
asp(['A##4', 'C5'])
>>> asp([17, 0], [-5, 5])
asp(['A##4', 'C5'])
>>> aspc(["A##", "C"])
aspc(['A##', 'C'])
>>> aspc([SpelledPitchClass("A##"), SpelledPitchClass("C")])
aspc(['A##', 'C'])
>>> aspc([17, 0])
aspc(['A##', 'C'])
Working with Spelled Arrays
Array Return Values
Most methods on spelled arrays now return either another spelled array or an array or numbers or strings:
>>> asi(["P1:0", "M3:0", "-m2:1"]).direction()
array([ 0, 1, -1])
>>> abs(asi(["P1:0", "M3:0", "-m2:1"]))
asi(['P1:0', 'M3:0', 'm2:1'])
>>> cs = aspc(["C", "C#", "C##", "Cb"])
>>> cs.alteration()
array([ 0, 1, 2, -1])
>>> cs.degree()
array([0, 0, 0, 0])
>>> cs.letter()
array(['C', 'C', 'C', 'C'], dtype='<U1')
Comparison also works element-wise:
>>> asi(["M2:0", "d5:0", "-P5:0"]) > asi(["m2:0", "a4:0", "-P4:0"])
array([ True, True, False])
>>> asic(["M2", "-m7", "m2"]) == SpelledIntervalClass("M2")
array([ True, True, False])
>>> asp(["C4", "B###3", "Dbbb4"]).compare(SpelledPitch("C4"))
array([ 0, -1, 1])
>>> aspc(["C", "C#", "D"]).array_equal(aspc(["C", "Db", "D"]))
Use array_equal
to test the overall equality of two arrays
as == will return element-wise equality.
Note that the ordering of non-class intervals/pitches and interval/pitch classes is different. Non-class pitches and intervals are ordered diatonically while pitch/interval classes are ordered on the line of fifths (see here).
Names and Strings
Regular spelled types can be converted to a string representation using str()
Calling str()
or py:func:`repr on spelled arrays also works
but returns one string for the full array.
If you want instead to get an array of strings
(one for each pitch or interval in the original array),
you can use the method name()
>>> unisons = asi([0, 7, 14, 21], [0, -4, -8, -12])
>>> unisons
asi(['P1:0', 'a1:0', 'aa1:0', 'aaa1:0'])
>>> str(unisons)
'[P1:0 a1:0 aa1:0 aaa1:0]'
>>> print(unisons)
[P1:0 a1:0 aa1:0 aaa1:0]
>>> unisons.name()
array(['P1:0', 'a1:0', 'aa1:0', 'aaa1:0'], dtype='<U6')
Special Intervals
For special intervals such as unison()
and chromatic_semitone()
you now have to provide a shape:
>>> print(SpelledIntervalArray.unison(12))
[P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0 P1:0]
>>> print(SpelledIntervalClassArray.chromatic_semitone((3,5)))
[[a1 a1 a1 a1 a1]
[a1 a1 a1 a1 a1]
[a1 a1 a1 a1 a1]]
Array Interface
Spelled arrays support indexing as in numpy.
>>> intervals = asi(["m6:0", "m7:8", "dd1:3"])
>>> intervals[0]
>>> intervals[[1,2]]
asi(['m7:8', 'dd1:3'])
>>> intervals[[1,2,1,2]]
asi(['m7:8', 'dd1:3', 'm7:8', 'dd1:3'])
>>> intervals[[True, False, True]]
asi(['m6:0', 'dd1:3'])
Besides indexing, spelled arrays also support common collection methods
such as len()
, in
, or iteration:
>>> len(intervals)
>>> SpelledInterval("m7:8") in intervals
>>> for i in intervals:
... print(f"Interval {i} corresponds to interval class {i.ic()}.")
Interval m6:0 corresponds to interval class m6.
Interval m7:8 corresponds to interval class m7.
Interval dd1:3 corresponds to interval class dd1.
>>> list(intervals)
[m6:0, m7:8, dd1:3]
One-hot Encoding
Spelled arrays support the same one-hot encoding style as their scalar counterparts.
That means that non-class intervals/pitches are encoded using fifths and (independent) octaves
while interval/pitch classes are encoded only in fifths.
Each dimension covers a certain range of fifths/octaves that needs to be known when converting to/from one-hot tensors.
You can create a one-hot tensor using onehot()
and convert it back to a spelled array using from_onehot()
In addition to the fifth and octave dimensions, one-hot tensors of spelled arrays have additional dimensions
that reflect the original shape of the array.
The fifth (and octave) dimension(s) are the last (two) dimensions in the tensor’s shape,
so for non-class arrays, the shape of the one-hot tensor is original_shape + (n_fifths, n_octaves)
while for class arrays, the shape is original_shape + (n_fifths,)
Simple example (pitch class array, one array dimension):
>>> pc_onehot = aspc(["C", "G", "F", "D", "Bb", "A", "Eb"]).onehot((-4,4))
>>> pc_onehot.shape # 7 pitches x 9 fifths (-4 to 4)
(7, 9)
>>> pc_onehot
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
>>> SpelledPitchClassArray.from_onehot(pc_onehot, -4)
aspc(['C', 'G', 'F', 'D', 'Bb', 'A', 'Eb'])
Complex example (interval array, two array dimensions):
>>> intervals = asi([["M6:0", "m3:0", "M2:1"],
... ["-M6:0", "-m3:0", "P1:0"]])
>>> print(intervals)
[[M6:0 m3:0 M2:1]
[-M6:0 -m3:0 P1:0]]
>>> i_onehot = intervals.onehot((-4,4), (-1,1))
>>> i_onehot.shape # 2 rows, 3 columns, 9 fifths (-4 to 4), 3 octaves (-1 to 1)
(2, 3, 9, 3)
>>> i_onehot[0,2] # M2:1: fifth=2 (out of -4 to 4), octave=1 (out of -1 to 1)
array([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]])
>>> SpelledInterval("M2:1").onehot((-4,4), (-1,1))
array([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]])
- pitchtypes.asi(things, things2=None)
A quick way to construct a spelled-interval array. Takes an array-like of strings or spelled intervals, or two array-likes of integers (fifths and internal/dependent octaves).
- Parameters:
things – an array-like of strings / fifths (integers) /
things2 – an array-like of dependent octaves (integers), when providing fifths in the first parameter
- Returns:
a spelled-interval array of the same shape as the input
- pitchtypes.asic(things)
A quick way to construct a spelled-interval-class array. Takes either an array-like of strings or spelled interval classes, or an array-like of integers (fifths).
- Parameters:
things – an array-like of strings / fifths (integers) /
- Returns:
a spelled-interval-class array of the same shape as the input
- pitchtypes.asp(things, things2=None)
A quick way to construct a spelled-pitch array. Takes either an array-like of strings or spelled pitches, or two array-likes of integers (fifths and internal/dependent octaves).
- Parameters:
things – an array-like of strings / fifths (integers) /
things2 – an array-like of dependent octaves (integers), when providing fifths in the first parameter
- Returns:
a spelled-pitch array of the same shape as the input
- pitchtypes.aspc(things)
A quick way to construct a spelled-pitch-class array. Takes either an array-like of strings or spelled pitch classes, or an array-like of integers (fifths).
- Parameters:
things – an array-like of strings / fifths (integers) /
- Returns:
a spelled-pitch-class array of the same shape as the input
General Interface
- class pitchtypes.SpelledArray
A common base class for vectorized spelled pitch and interval types. Uses the same interface as the Spelled types.
- copy()
Returns a shallow copy of the array. This also creates copies of the underlying numpy arrays.
- Returns:
a copy of the array
- deepcopy()
Returns a deep copy of the array.
- Returns:
a deepcopy of the array
- array_equal(other)
Returns True if self and other are the equal, False otherwise.
- Parameters:
other – another spelled array of the same type
- Returns:
if the two arrays are equal,False
- abstract compare(other)
Element-wise comparison between two spelled arrays.
Returns 0 where the elements are equal, 1 where the first element is greater, and -1 where the second element is greater.
The respective ordering differs between types. Non-class pitches and intervals use diatonic ordering, interval/pitch classes use line-of-fifths ordering.
This method can be indirectly used through binary comparison operators (including
etc.). To test the overall equality of two spelled arrays, usearray_equal
- Parameters:
other – another spelled array or scalar
- Returns:
an array of
- abstract name()
Returns the names of the objects in the array as an array of strings of the same shape.
- Returns:
an array of notation strings
- abstract fifths()
Return the position of the interval on the line of fifths.
- Returns:
an array of fifths (integers)
- abstract octaves()
For intervals, return the number of octaves the interval spans. Negative intervals start with -1, decreasing. For pitches, return the absolute octave of the pitch.
- Returns:
an array of external/independent octaves (integers)
- abstract internal_octaves()
Return the internal octave representation of a pitch, which is dependent on the fifths.
Only use this if you know what you are doing.
- Returns:
an array of internal/dependent octaves (integers)
- degree()
Return the “relative scale degree” (0-6) to which the interval points (unison=0, 2nd=1, octave=0, 2nd down=6, etc.). For pitches, return the integer that corresponds to the letter (C=0, D=1, …).
- Returns:
an array of degrees (integers)
- abstract alteration()
Return the number of semitones by which the interval is altered from its the perfect or major variant. Positive alteration always indicates augmentation, negative alteration indicates diminution (minor or smaller) of the interval’s magnitude. For interval classes, alteration refers to the upward version of the interval (e.g. for
it is -1). For pitches, return the accidentals (positive=sharps, negative=flats, 0=natural).- Returns:
an array of alterations (integers)
- abstract onehot()
Return a one-hot encoded tensor representing the elements of the array. Specialized versions of this method take ranges for their respective dimensions.
- Returns:
a one-hot tensor for the array
Spelled Interval and Pitch
- class pitchtypes.SpelledIntervalArray(fifths, octaves)
Represents an array of spelled intervals.
- semitones()
Return the number of semitones corresponding to the interval.
- steps()
Return the number of diatonic steps corresponding to the interval.
- __init__(fifths, octaves)
Takes two numpy arrays, one for fifths and one for internal/dependent octaves, both as integers.
- Parameters:
fifths – the internal fifths of each interval (numpy array of integers)
octaves – the internal octaves of each interval (numpy array of integers)
- static from_independent(fifths, octaves)
Create an interval array from fifths (interval class) and independent/external octaves.
- Parameters:
fifths – the internal fifths of each interval (numpy array of integers)
octaves – the external/independent octaves of each interval (numpy array of integers)
- Returns:
the corresponding interval array
- static from_strings(strings)
Create an interval array from an array of strings (using spelled interval notation).
- Parameters:
strings – an array-like of interval notation strings
- Returns:
the corresponding interval array
- static from_array(intervals)
Create an interval array from an array of intervals.
- Parameters:
intervals – an array-like of
- Returns:
the corresponding interval array
- static from_onehot(onehot, fifth_low, octave_low)
Create a spelled interval array from a one-hot tensor.
denotes the lower bound of the fifth range used in the vector,octave_low
the lower bound of the octave range. The shape of the resulting array will be equivalent to the first n-2 dimensions of the input tensor.- Parameters:
onehot – a one-hot tensor representing the intervals (numpy array)
fifth_low – the lowest fifth expressible in the one-hot tensor (integer)
octave_low – the lowest octave expressible in the one-hot tensor (integer)
- Returns:
the corresponding interval array
- classmethod unison(shape)
Create an array of the given shape filled with perfect unisons (P1:0).
- Parameters:
shape – the shape of the resulting array (tuple of integers)
- Returns:
of shapeshape
filled with P1:0
- classmethod octave(shape)
Return an array of the given shape filled with perfect octaves (P1:1).
- Parameters:
shape – the shape of the resulting array (tuple of integers)
- Returns:
of shapeshape
filled with P1:0
- classmethod chromatic_semitone(shape)
Returns an array of the given shape filled with chromatic semitones (a1:0).
- Parameters:
shape – the shape of the resulting array (tuple of integers)
- Returns:
of shapeshape
filled with a1:0
- direction()
Returns the direction of the interval (1=up / 0=neutral / -1=down). The perfect unisons (
) is considered neutral.- Returns:
an array of
- ic()
Return the interval class that corresponds to this interval. If the interval is already an interval class, it is returned itself.
- Returns:
the interval’s corresponding interval class
- embed()
For interval classes, return an embedding into the interval space in a (type-dependent) default octave. For non-class intervals, return the interval itself.
- Returns:
a non-class version of this interval
- is_step()
Return True if the interval is considered a step, False otherwise.
- Returns:
the stepness of the interval (boolean)
- name()
Returns the names of the objects in the array as an array of strings of the same shape.
- Returns:
an array of notation strings
- compare(other)
Element-wise comparison between two spelled arrays.
Returns 0 where the elements are equal, 1 where the first element is greater, and -1 where the second element is greater.
Spelled intervals use diatonic ordering, for example
P4:0 < a4:0 < aaaa4:0 < d5:0 < P5:0
.This method can be indirectly used through binary comparison operators (including
etc.). To test the overall equality of two spelled arrays, usearray_equal
- Parameters:
other – another
- Returns:
an array of
- fifths()
Return the position of the interval on the line of fifths.
- Returns:
an array of fifths (integers)
- octaves()
For intervals, return the number of octaves the interval spans. Negative intervals start with -1, decreasing. For pitches, return the absolute octave of the pitch.
- Returns:
an array of external/independent octaves (integers)
- internal_octaves()
Return the internal octave representation of a pitch, which is dependent on the fifths.
Only use this if you know what you are doing.
- Returns:
an array of internal/dependent octaves (integers)
- generic()
Return the generic interval, i.e. the number of diatonic steps modulo octave. Unlike degree(), the result respects the sign of the interval (unison=0, 2nd up=1, 2nd down=-1).
- Returns:
an array of generic intervals (integers)
- diatonic_steps()
Return the diatonic steps of the interval (unison=0, 2nd=1, …, octave=7, …). Respects both direction and octaves.
- Returns:
an array of diatonic steps (integers)
- alteration()
Return the number of semitones by which the interval is altered from its the perfect or major variant. Positive alteration always indicates augmentation, negative alteration indicates diminution (minor or smaller) of the interval’s magnitude. For interval classes, alteration refers to the upward version of the interval (e.g. for
it is -1). For pitches, return the accidentals (positive=sharps, negative=flats, 0=natural).- Returns:
an array of alterations (integers)
- onehot(fifth_range, octave_range, dtype=<class 'int'>)
Returns a one-hot encoding of the intervals in fifths and independent octaves as the innermost dimensions. The range of fifths and octaves is given by
respectively, where each is a tuple(lower, upper)
. The outer shape of the output tensor is identical to the shape of the original array, so the resulting shape isoriginal_shape + (n_fifths, n_octaves)
.- Parameters:
fifth_range – the (inclusive) range of fifths (pair of integers)
octave_range – the (inclusive) range of octaves (pair of integers)
dtype – dtype of the resulting array (default:
- Returns:
a one-hot tensor (numpy array)
- abs()
For downward intervals, return their upward counterpart, otherwise just return the interval itself.
- Returns:
the absolute interval
- array_equal(other)
Returns True if self and other are the equal, False otherwise.
- Parameters:
other – another spelled array of the same type
- Returns:
if the two arrays are equal,False
- copy()
Returns a shallow copy of the array. This also creates copies of the underlying numpy arrays.
- Returns:
a copy of the array
- deepcopy()
Returns a deep copy of the array.
- Returns:
a deepcopy of the array
- degree()
Return the “relative scale degree” (0-6) to which the interval points (unison=0, 2nd=1, octave=0, 2nd down=6, etc.). For pitches, return the integer that corresponds to the letter (C=0, D=1, …).
- Returns:
an array of degrees (integers)
- to_class()
Alias for ic(), but also supported by pitch types.
- Returns:
the interval’s corresponding interval class
- class pitchtypes.SpelledPitchArray(fifths, octaves)
Represents an array of spelled pitches.
- steps()
Return the number of diatonic steps corresponding to the pitch.
- semitones()
Return the number of chromatic semitones corresponding to the pitch.
- midi()
Return the MIDI number corresponding to the pitch.
- __init__(fifths, octaves)
Takes two numpy arrays, one for fifths and one for (internal/dependent) octaves, both as integers.
- Parameters:
fifths – the internal fifths of each pitch (numpy array of integers)
octaves – the internal octaves of each pitch (numpy array of integers)
- static from_independent(fifths, octaves)
Create a pitch array from fifths and indenpendent octaves. The fifths indicate the names of the pitches while the octaves indicate their octave numbers.
- Parameters:
fifths – the internal fifths of each pitch (numpy array of integers)
octaves – the external/independent octaves of each pitch (numpy array of integers)
- Returns:
the corresponding pitch array
- static from_strings(strings)
Create a pitch array from an array of strings.
- Parameters:
strings – an array-like of pitch notation strings
- Returns:
the corresponding pitch array
- static from_array(pitches)
Create a pitch array from an array of pitches.
- Parameters:
intervals – an array-like of
- Returns:
the corresponding pitch array
- static from_onehot(onehot, fifth_low, octave_low)
Create a spelled pitch array from a one-hot tensor.
denotes the lower bound of the fifth range used in the vector,octave_low
the lower bound of the octave range. The shape of the resulting array will be equivalent to the first n-2 dimensions of the input tensor.- Parameters:
onehot – a one-hot tensor representing the pitches (numpy array)
fifth_low – the lowest fifth expressible in the one-hot tensor (integer)
octave_low – the lowest octave expressible in the one-hot tensor (integer)
- Returns:
the corresponding pitch array
- interval_from(other)
Computes the interval from another pitch to this pitch.
- Parameters:
other – another pitch
- Returns:
the interval from other to self
- pc()
Returns the pitch class corresponding to the pitch. For pitch classes, it returns the pitch class itself.
- Returns:
the pitch class that corresponds to this pitch
- embed()
For a pitch class, returns the corresponding pitch in a (type-dependent) default octave. For non-class pitches, returns the pitch itself.
- Returns:
a non-class version of this pitch
- compare(other)
Element-wise comparison between two spelled arrays.
Returns 0 where the elements are equal, 1 where the first element is greater, and -1 where the second element is greater.
Spelled pitches use diatonic ordering, for example
F4 < F#4 < F####4 < Gb4 < G4
.This method can be indirectly used through binary comparison operators (including
etc.). To test the overall equality of two spelled arrays, usearray_equal
- Parameters:
other – another
- Returns:
an array of
- name()
Returns the names of the objects in the array as an array of strings of the same shape.
- Returns:
an array of notation strings
- fifths()
Return the position of the interval on the line of fifths.
- Returns:
an array of fifths (integers)
- octaves()
For intervals, return the number of octaves the interval spans. Negative intervals start with -1, decreasing. For pitches, return the absolute octave of the pitch.
- Returns:
an array of external/independent octaves (integers)
- internal_octaves()
Return the internal octave representation of a pitch, which is dependent on the fifths.
Only use this if you know what you are doing.
- Returns:
an array of internal/dependent octaves (integers)
- alteration()
Return the number of semitones by which the interval is altered from its the perfect or major variant. Positive alteration always indicates augmentation, negative alteration indicates diminution (minor or smaller) of the interval’s magnitude. For interval classes, alteration refers to the upward version of the interval (e.g. for
it is -1). For pitches, return the accidentals (positive=sharps, negative=flats, 0=natural).- Returns:
an array of alterations (integers)
- letter()
Returns the letter associated with the pitch (without accidentals).
- Returns:
an array of pitch letters (single-character strings)
- onehot(fifth_range, octave_range, dtype=<class 'int'>)
Returns a one-hot encoding of the pitches in fifths and independent octaves as the innermost dimensions. The range of fifths and octaves is given by
respectively, where each is a tuple(lower, upper)
. The outer shape of the output tensor is identical to the shape of the original array, so the resulting shape isoriginal_shape + (n_fifths, n_octaves)
.- Parameters:
fifth_range – the (inclusive) range of fifths (pair of integers)
octave_range – the (inclusive) range of octaves (pair of integers)
dtype – dtype of the resulting array (default:
- Returns:
a one-hot tensor (numpy array)
- array_equal(other)
Returns True if self and other are the equal, False otherwise.
- Parameters:
other – another spelled array of the same type
- Returns:
if the two arrays are equal,False
- copy()
Returns a shallow copy of the array. This also creates copies of the underlying numpy arrays.
- Returns:
a copy of the array
- deepcopy()
Returns a deep copy of the array.
- Returns:
a deepcopy of the array
- degree()
Return the “relative scale degree” (0-6) to which the interval points (unison=0, 2nd=1, octave=0, 2nd down=6, etc.). For pitches, return the integer that corresponds to the letter (C=0, D=1, …).
- Returns:
an array of degrees (integers)
- interval_to(other)
Computes the interval from this pitch to another pitch.
- Parameters:
other – another pitch
- Returns:
the interval from self to other
- to_class()
Alias for pc(), but also supported by interval types.
- Returns:
the pitch class that corresponds to this pitch
Spelled Interval and Pitch Class
- class pitchtypes.SpelledIntervalClassArray(fifths)
Represents an array of spelled interval classes, i.e. intervals without octave information.
- semitones()
Return the number of semitones corresponding to the interval.
- steps()
Return the number of diatonic steps corresponding to the interval.
- __init__(fifths)
Takes a numpy array of fifths as integers.
- Parameters:
fifths – the internal fifths of each interval class (numpy array of integers)
- static from_strings(strings)
Create an interval-class array from an array of strings.
- Parameters:
strings – an array-like of interval-class notation strings
- Returns:
the corresponding interval-class array
- static from_array(intervals)
Create an interval class array from an array of interval classes.
- Parameters:
intervals – an array-like of
- Returns:
the corresponding interval-class array
- static from_onehot(onehot, fifth_low)
Create a spelled interval-class array from a one-hot tensor.
denotes the lower bound of the fifth range used in the vector. The shape of the resulting array will be equivalent to the first n-1 dimensions of the input tensor.- Parameters:
onehot – a one-hot tensor representing the interval classes (numpy array)
fifth_low – the lowest fifth expressible in the one-hot tensor (integer)
- Returns:
the corresponding interval-class array
- classmethod unison(shape)
Return an array of the given shape filled with perfect unisons (P1).
- Parameters:
shape – the shape of the resulting array (tuple of integers)
- Returns:
of shapeshape
filled with P1
- classmethod octave(shape)
Same as unison() since octaves are equivalent to unisons in interval-class space.
- Parameters:
shape – the shape of the resulting array (tuple of integers)
- Returns:
of shapeshape
filled with P1
- classmethod chromatic_semitone(shape)
Returns an array of the given shape filled with chromatic semitones (a1).
- Parameters:
shape – the shape of the resulting array (tuple of integers)
- Returns:
of shapeshape
filled with a1
- direction()
Returns the (element-wise) directions of the intervals. The direction of each interval is determined by its shortest realization:
is upward (1) whileM7
is downward (-1). Perfect unisons (P1
) are neutral (0).- Returns:
an array of
- ic()
Return the interval class that corresponds to this interval. If the interval is already an interval class, it is returned itself.
- Returns:
the interval’s corresponding interval class
- embed()
For interval classes, return an embedding into the interval space in a (type-dependent) default octave. For non-class intervals, return the interval itself.
- Returns:
a non-class version of this interval
- is_step()
Return True if the interval is considered a step, False otherwise.
- Returns:
the stepness of the interval (boolean)
- name()
Returns the names of the objects in the array as an array of strings of the same shape.
- Returns:
an array of notation strings
- compare(other)
Element-wise comparison between two spelled arrays.
Returns 0 where the elements are equal, 1 where the first element is greater, and -1 where the second element is greater.
Spelled interval classes use line-of-fifth ordering, for example
P4 < P1 < P5 < M2
.This method can be indirectly used through binary comparison operators (including
etc.). To test the overall equality of two spelled arrays, usearray_equal
- Parameters:
other – another
- Returns:
an array of
- fifths()
Return the position of the interval on the line of fifths.
- Returns:
an array of fifths (integers)
- octaves()
For intervals, return the number of octaves the interval spans. Negative intervals start with -1, decreasing. For pitches, return the absolute octave of the pitch.
- Returns:
an array of external/independent octaves (integers)
- internal_octaves()
Return the internal octave representation of a pitch, which is dependent on the fifths.
Only use this if you know what you are doing.
- Returns:
an array of internal/dependent octaves (integers)
- generic()
Return the generic interval, i.e. the number of diatonic steps modulo octave. Unlike degree(), the result respects the sign of the interval (unison=0, 2nd up=1, 2nd down=-1).
- Returns:
an array of generic intervals (integers)
- diatonic_steps()
Return the diatonic steps of the interval (unison=0, 2nd=1, …, octave=7, …). Respects both direction and octaves.
- Returns:
an array of diatonic steps (integers)
- alteration()
Return the number of semitones by which the interval is altered from its the perfect or major variant. Positive alteration always indicates augmentation, negative alteration indicates diminution (minor or smaller) of the interval’s magnitude. For interval classes, alteration refers to the upward version of the interval (e.g. for
it is -1). For pitches, return the accidentals (positive=sharps, negative=flats, 0=natural).- Returns:
an array of alterations (integers)
- onehot(fifth_range, dtype=<class 'int'>)
Returns a one-hot encoding of the interval classes in fifths as the innermost dimension. The range of fifths is given by
as a tuple(lower, upper)
. The outer shape of the output tensor is identical to the shape of the original array, so the resulting shape isoriginal_shape + (n_fifths,)
.- Parameters:
fifth_range – the (inclusive) range of fifths (pair of integers)
dtype – dtype of the resulting array (default:
- Returns:
a one-hot tensor (numpy array)
- abs()
For downward intervals, return their upward counterpart, otherwise just return the interval itself.
- Returns:
the absolute interval
- array_equal(other)
Returns True if self and other are the equal, False otherwise.
- Parameters:
other – another spelled array of the same type
- Returns:
if the two arrays are equal,False
- copy()
Returns a shallow copy of the array. This also creates copies of the underlying numpy arrays.
- Returns:
a copy of the array
- deepcopy()
Returns a deep copy of the array.
- Returns:
a deepcopy of the array
- degree()
Return the “relative scale degree” (0-6) to which the interval points (unison=0, 2nd=1, octave=0, 2nd down=6, etc.). For pitches, return the integer that corresponds to the letter (C=0, D=1, …).
- Returns:
an array of degrees (integers)
- to_class()
Alias for ic(), but also supported by pitch types.
- Returns:
the interval’s corresponding interval class
- class pitchtypes.SpelledPitchClassArray(fifths)
Represents a spelled pitch class, i.e. a pitch without octave information.
- steps()
Return the number of diatonic steps corresponding to the pitch.
- semitones()
Return the number of chromatic semitones corresponding to the pitch.
- midi()
Return the MIDI number corresponding to the pitch.
- __init__(fifths)
Takes a numpy array of fifths as integers.
- Parameters:
fifths – the internal fifths of each pitch class (numpy array of integers)
- static from_strings(strings)
Create a pitch-class array from an array of strings.
- Parameters:
strings – an array-like of pitch-class notation strings
- Returns:
the corresponding pitch-class array
- static from_array(pitches)
Create an pitch class array from an array of pitch classes.
- Parameters:
intervals – an array-like of
- Returns:
the corresponding pitch-class array
- static from_onehot(onehot, fifth_low)
Create a spelled pitch-class array from a one-hot tensor.
denotes the lower bound of the fifth range used in the vector. The shape of the resulting array will be equivalent to the first n-1 dimensions of the input tensor.- Parameters:
onehot – a one-hot tensor representing the pitch classes (numpy array)
fifth_low – the lowest fifth expressible in the one-hot tensor (integer)
- Returns:
the corresponding pitch-class array
- interval_from(other)
Computes the interval from another pitch to this pitch.
- Parameters:
other – another pitch
- Returns:
the interval from other to self
- pc()
Returns the pitch class corresponding to the pitch. For pitch classes, it returns the pitch class itself.
- Returns:
the pitch class that corresponds to this pitch
- embed()
For a pitch class, returns the corresponding pitch in a (type-dependent) default octave. For non-class pitches, returns the pitch itself.
- Returns:
a non-class version of this pitch
- name()
Returns the names of the objects in the array as an array of strings of the same shape.
- Returns:
an array of notation strings
- compare(other)
Element-wise comparison between two spelled arrays.
Returns 0 where the elements are equal, 1 where the first element is greater, and -1 where the second element is greater.
Spelled pitch classes use line-of-fifth ordering, for example
Bb < F < C < G < D
.This method can be indirectly used through binary comparison operators (including
etc.). To test the overall equality of two spelled arrays, usearray_equal
- Parameters:
other – another
- Returns:
an array of
- fifths()
Return the position of the interval on the line of fifths.
- Returns:
an array of fifths (integers)
- octaves()
For intervals, return the number of octaves the interval spans. Negative intervals start with -1, decreasing. For pitches, return the absolute octave of the pitch.
- Returns:
an array of external/independent octaves (integers)
- internal_octaves()
Return the internal octave representation of a pitch, which is dependent on the fifths.
Only use this if you know what you are doing.
- Returns:
an array of internal/dependent octaves (integers)
- alteration()
Return the number of semitones by which the interval is altered from its the perfect or major variant. Positive alteration always indicates augmentation, negative alteration indicates diminution (minor or smaller) of the interval’s magnitude. For interval classes, alteration refers to the upward version of the interval (e.g. for
it is -1). For pitches, return the accidentals (positive=sharps, negative=flats, 0=natural).- Returns:
an array of alterations (integers)
- letter()
Returns the letter associated with the pitch (without accidentals).
- Returns:
an array of pitch letters (single-character strings)
- onehot(fifth_range, dtype=<class 'int'>)
Returns a one-hot encoding of the pitch classes in fifths as the innermost dimension. The range of fifths is given by
as a tuple(lower, upper)
. The outer shape of the output tensor is identical to the shape of the original array, so the resulting shape isoriginal_shape + (n_fifths,)
.- Parameters:
fifth_range – the (inclusive) range of fifths (pair of integers)
dtype – dtype of the resulting array (default:
- Returns:
a one-hot tensor (numpy array)
- array_equal(other)
Returns True if self and other are the equal, False otherwise.
- Parameters:
other – another spelled array of the same type
- Returns:
if the two arrays are equal,False
- copy()
Returns a shallow copy of the array. This also creates copies of the underlying numpy arrays.
- Returns:
a copy of the array
- deepcopy()
Returns a deep copy of the array.
- Returns:
a deepcopy of the array
- degree()
Return the “relative scale degree” (0-6) to which the interval points (unison=0, 2nd=1, octave=0, 2nd down=6, etc.). For pitches, return the integer that corresponds to the letter (C=0, D=1, …).
- Returns:
an array of degrees (integers)
- interval_to(other)
Computes the interval from this pitch to another pitch.
- Parameters:
other – another pitch
- Returns:
the interval from self to other
- to_class()
Alias for pc(), but also supported by interval types.
- Returns:
the pitch class that corresponds to this pitch